Sunday, July 01, 2007


After listening to Becky (aka b-dizzle) I decided to show her that bloggin for me was a complete waste of time...I have a very ordinary life and nothing to "write home" about. She told me that I would have to do some more intersting things then...LOL Becky you crack me here's to you kid!

I can't believe it is July 1st already, where has all the time gone? My oldest turns 18 in 23 days! I can't believe I am that old!

I attended the silent auction to benefit PLAY at Scrapbooks Etc last night and won lots of pretties! See below.....ooohhh awwwww..

Well, well.....

So they are coming to fix my dryer tomorrow so I guess I will be literally knee deep washing and drying tomorrow...can you say aaaaaahhhhhhh poor me :)

nothing else planned except a trip to the vet to get sasha girl her rabies shot...I seem to have lost her records :(

Ok bec this one was for you...told you it was boring !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

TAMMY!!! {aka t-dizzle!} i'm so excited about your blog! and you are totally wrong... it is SO cute & interesting! that stinks that your dryer is broken. looks like you got lots of cute stuff at the auction! yay for blogs!!!